Cirrhopetalum makoyanum

Cirrhopetalum makoyanum is a prolific bloomer. It is found in Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines. Luckily this is found in low land forest, which means that it will keep blooming, given the right condition. This particular species that i have acquired has spike non-stop with every new growth. I grow them with direct morning sunlight with copious amount of water but does not allow it to remain wet for prolong period. During the growth stage, they relish fertiliser and water readily and can easily root overnight. The purpose of the root gives them an edge, once rooted, growth accelerates and the bulbs expands till a certain size and stop. Usually once the bulb grows to it’s attainable size, it starts to spike.

As you can see, the red dots on the thin sepal is certainly gorgeous, it resembles a pinwheel and some mentions of being daisy like. Despite the fact that the blooms are tiny but it keeps giving off spike after spike and sooner or later covers the entire media.

A top down perspective allows one to view the small hairs along the cap.

An a closeup on the flower.

All in all, Cirrhopetalum makoyanum is a very easy growing Bulbophyllum that provides endless joy through their flowers. Certainly a must have in all orchid collections.

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